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Hook Blocks: Criteria for Selection by Hydromech

08 May 2023

Discover essential criteria for choosing hook blocks with Hydromech’s expert guide, ensuring safety, efficiency, and reliability in your operations.

Regarding our project, picking the correct hook block will always depend on several aspects connected to the working circumstances and the industry it will be applied. Suppose we want a successful solution in terms of safety and durability. In that case, we need to consider the technical knowledge and competence of the manufacturer, the quality controls that have been applied, and the rigours of compliance with applicable regulations.

Things To Consider Following the Demands of the Work

The production of hook blocks can be standard or built to order, and the design will change according to the specifications of the project being worked on. So, to choose the most effective solution, we need to take into consideration the following crucial factors:

  • The Working Group

Following the requirements outlined by FEM, DIN, or ISO. This is important since it will ensure the hook block systems’ safety and longevity under the needed service circumstances.

  • Dimensioning And Load Capacity

Elements connected to the work that must be done must be considered. These parameters include load spectrum, lifting capacity, speeds, and service temperature.

  • Applications

Either onshore, offshore, or subsea.

  • Application And Associated Standards

It is required to comply with the criteria outlined in FEM / DIN standards. The product might additionally need to comply with certain requirements if those regulations are particular to the industry in which we operate.

Criteria Considered Will Vary Depending on the Industry in Question

Each environment in which an application operates has unique requirements that hook blocks must fulfil. The following are the primary considerations that need to be made:

  • Building Crane and Traveling Crane

This application calls for specific lifting methods. Working groups with shorter operating durations, M3 to M4. As a result, more design freedom and a wide range of solutions may be achieved to adapt to each project’s particular requirements.

Working groups M3 through M6 handle the extremely varied operating times in the oil and gas and offshore industries. Certain industries have exceptionally lofty standards for the quality of their products and the controls that independent inspection agencies carry out. Hook blocks are required to function in submersible drilling platforms, oil rigs, and boats. Thus, they must be waterproof and resistant to pressure. Moreover, they should be coated with special protective materials to prevent corrosion.

Working groups at ports and shipyards can range from M3 to M6, but all of them should be able to sustain high speeds. Also, to offer an acceptable reaction, solutions must have high resistance.

  • In The Mining and Industrial Sectors

Hook blocks can either be of a standard design or a custom design to meet each project’s requirements better. In these industries, lifting equipment employed in overhead travelling cranes is utilised regularly. Operational hours are long for M3 to M8 working groups because of the highly hazardous working settings, including harsh temperatures and toxic atmospheres, among other things. Consequently, the machinery must be outfitted with the required protections and oiled suitably.

Safety Requirements

The following criteria should be satisfied by hoists to improve their safety and make the most of the service life of their mechanical components:

• A safety latch is designed to stop slings from sliding off the hook.

• Hooks tailored to each application.

• A method that utilises pulley guards to prevent cables from escaping by using rod guards.

• Devices that prevent the hooks from turning in their sockets.

Quality Of the Materials Should Be Guaranteed

To enable smaller widths for cables and sheaves, it is also worthwhile to contemplate using larger metal cross-sections and resistance between 200 and 220 kg/mm2. This is especially recommended for carrying big loads since it allows one to use hook blocks that are both more compact and less expensive.

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